Official clock: 7:16 PM PT. Trade window is CLOSED


4 points

Eliminate a wrestler or tag team in an elimination style match. Only the person performing the pin, submission, or over the top elimination will receive points. Stipulation and normal points will still be applied for the actual winner of the match. Does not count during a Gauntlet Match.

Recent Eliminator Points

All-time Eliminator Leaders

Wrestler Occurances Points
Braun Strowman 77 267
Sheamus 58 184
Big Show 55 147
Roman Reigns 52 164
Baron Corbin 47 171
Nia Jax 45 171
Dolph Ziggler 38 121
Brock Lesnar 32 121
Seth "Freakin" Rollins 32 117
Randy Orton 32 103