Official clock: 9:14 AM PT. Trade window is OPEN

Finn Bálor

Finn Bálor

Brand: RAW
32 Points this season
17 points last 30 days
Owned in 32.3% of leagues
Cheer 91%Boo 9%

Match Points (all-time)

Points Matches Stipulation
1,970 134
321 25 Multiman Tag Team
120 5 Number 1 Contender
100 2 Handicap
90 5 Tournament
90 3 Survivor Series
65 2 Street Fight
50 4 Other Match
50 4 Mixed Tag Team
35 1 I Quit
30 4 Triple Threat
30 2 Fatal 4-way
25 1 Contender
0 2 No DQ
0 2 Tables, Ladders OR Chairs
0 1 Hell in a Cell
0 1 King of the Ring
0 1 Money in the Bank
0 1 Battle Royal
0 1 Extreme Rules
0 1 Qualifier
0 1 WarGames