Recent Bonus
Recent Matches
Show | Winner | vs | Loser | Stipulation | Title |
6/16/2023 — SmackDown | Scarlett | Team Win | Michin | Mixed Tag Team | |
1/6/2023 — SmackDown | Scarlett | Team Win | Emma | Mixed Tag Team |
Match Points (all-time)
Points | Matches | Stipulation |
50 | 2 | Mixed Tag Team |
Bonus Points (all-time)
Points | Instances | Description |
60 | 30 | Accompany To The Ring |
57 | 19 | Interference |
33 | 11 | Kayfabe |
25 | 5 | Attack |
10 | 2 | Interview |
8 | 2 | Fade to Black |
3 | 1 | Deez Nuts |
3 | 1 | Foreign Object |
3 | 1 | Show Opener |
2 | 1 | Chair Shot |
2 | 1 | Interview Interference |
2 | 1 | Steel Stairs |