WWE Raw Fantasy Analysis 081312: Summerslam Go Home Show
Posted by: choke Aug 14, 2012 | 1924 views | 4 comments
Who's rising, who's falling after last night's Raw?
Good show overall though that first hour dragged a lot to me. Punk/Show which led to the obvious tag match, Ryback/JTG, Slater/R Truth. Is this Superstars? But then they treated us to some good stuff (just ignore the Kaitlyn match)
1. Damien Sandow - He's getting sold so hard right now. Clean win over Christian, even with the Brodus Clay appearance on the ramp? I expect him to go over Clay, but that's an interesting choice for the WWE to make between those 2
2. Rey Mysterio - Only because I'm a little surprised he's being thrown into a IC Championship match at Summerslam. I do expect Miz to retain, but could see Rey winning via Countout or DQ which will still be more points than I was expecting out the PPV for him
3. Kaitlyn - That was an awful, awful match, and I do expect her to lose Friday (tonight), BUT it seems like maybe they're going to try to integrate her more, particularly with her AJ Lee history.
1. Heath Slater - Well, I THOUGHT they'd reward him for all the legend ridiculousness
2. Beth Phoenix - Yikes
3. Lord Tensai - Maybe still being punished for that "insensitive" tout?