Official clock: 7:04 PM PT. Trade window is OPEN

WWE Future Endeavored Update April 15, 2020

Posted by: goukijones Apr 15, 2020 | 562 views | 0 comments posted a story listing 20 wrestlers and referees who have been released from their contracts. Here’s the list and we’ll continue to add as it grows.

  1. Kurt Angle
  2. Rusev
  3. Drake Maverick
  4. Zack Ryder
  5. Curt Hawkins
  6. Karl Anderson
  7. Luke Gallows
  8. Heath Slater
  9. Eric Young
  10. Rowan
  11. Sarah Logan
  12. No Way Jose
  13. Mike Chioda
  14. Mike Kanellis
  15. Maria Kanellis
  16. EC3
  17. Aiden English
  18. Lio Rush
  19. Primo
  20. Epico

These wrestlers have been made inactive from the DropTheBelt Roster.

Also removed from the Roster.

  1. Renee Michelle
  2. Dash Wilder
  3. Scott Dawson

Draft accordingly. Thank you for playing.


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