WWE Future Endeavored Update April 15, 2020
Posted by: goukijones Apr 15, 2020 | 562 views | 0 comments
WWE.com posted a story listing 20 wrestlers and referees who have been released from their contracts. Here’s the list and we’ll continue to add as it grows.
- Kurt Angle
- Rusev
- Drake Maverick
- Zack Ryder
- Curt Hawkins
- Karl Anderson
- Luke Gallows
- Heath Slater
- Eric Young
- Rowan
- Sarah Logan
- No Way Jose
- Mike Chioda
- Mike Kanellis
- Maria Kanellis
- EC3
- Aiden English
- Lio Rush
- Primo
- Epico
These wrestlers have been made inactive from the DropTheBelt Roster.
Also removed from the Roster.
- Renee Michelle
- Dash Wilder
- Scott Dawson
Draft accordingly. Thank you for playing.