Official clock: 11:23 AM PT. Trade window is OPEN

WrestleMania Season Starts At The DAY 1 PPV! Royal Rumble Eliminator Game! Draft Season 12/18-12/30. Enter MatchMaking Leagues!

Posted by: goukijones Dec 13, 2021 | 467 views | 0 comments

WrestleMania Season 2022

1/1/2022 - 4/3/2022

Draft Week

WrestleMania season begins 1/1/2021 at the DAY 1 PPV and ends at WrestleMania 2022. Commissioners set your draft date and time at least one hour before the DAY 1 PPV on Saturday 1/1/2021 to start getting points for your league during the new season.


Don't miss out on our annual SPECIAL EVENT GAME. The Royal Rumble Eliminator Game. Entries will open at the DAY 1 PPV.


MatchMaking is now open for the next season. Enter your team name now and get ready to draft your matchmaking team on Friday. MatchMaking leagues draft every Friday 1 hour before SmackDown and form all season long. Join anytime. Enter MatchMaking

PARTY FINDER (Faction Finder)

It is FREE to join Commissioner Leagues. Join as many as you like. If you are interested in joining a league leave a comment about your interests and commissioners can invite you to their league. 

For commissioners looking to invite others. Leave a comment saying your league is open and that people can apply. 

You can click on any member name and take a look at their profile.


New members on the free trial can join DropTheBelt and set up private leagues and invite other members. You can join other leagues and join matchmaking leagues. Tryout all of the DropTheBelt features for FREE for 30 days. If you haven’t joined DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling SIGN UP HERE.

Good luck and have a great season!


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