What happened to Global Force Wrestling?
Posted by: goukijones Nov 17, 2016 | 2772 views | 1 comments
lol. What is Global Force Wrestling? Why is it on DropTheBelt.com. Well as very few of you may know, I am a HUGE fan of Double J Jeff Jarrett. SLAPNUTS!
[i got a picture somewhere my bad.]
I came across this video today, "The Rise and Fall of Global Force Wrestling." I thought it was cool so I'm sharing it with you guys. DropTheBelt.com staff attended the very first GFW event here in Las Vegas, NV almost 2 years ago now. It wasn't great. I remember how terrible the entrance ramp was and that the matches never actually aired. Well this video below is the most footage I've ever seen from GFW.
~"Jeff Jarrett broke 600 guitars... didn't draw 1 person." *Except GoukiJones.
Video was removed on YouTube.