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TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs Upcoming Season Dates & Rule Update. August 17, 2020

Posted by: goukijones Aug 17, 2020 | 559 views | 0 comments

Welcome to the DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs Season. Starting with the Payback PPV on August 30, 2020 and finishing with TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs. *That end date is currently tentative.

Commissioners get ready to DRAFT!! Gather your team managers and set your league draft for before Payback on August 30.

Matchmaking players be prepared to get into a league beginning Monday August 24, 2020.

Upcoming season dates:

Tables, Ladders & Chairs
2020 8/30/2020 - 12/13/2020 | 106 days

WrestleMania 2021
1/1/2021 - 3/28/2021 | 87 days


  • Deez Nuts - 3 Points - Bonus Points - Hitting another wrestler with a low blow to the groin that causes damage.
  • RAW Underground Pinfall - 25 Points - Win Type - Win a RAW Underground match against any other superstar on the Roster.
  • Underground Jobber - 5 Points - Stipulation. Win a match against an unknown wrestler on RAW Underground. Only if the opponent is not listed on the DTB Roster and follows our Jobber standard.

We will also be taking a close look at stipulations this season. We want them rebalanced for the 2021 WrestleMania season. Matches and match styles have been evolving over the recent years and we want to take a closer look at updating them as well.

We have a new feature coming soon. It is a brand new way to play DropTheBelt and we will have a special announcement story when it goes LIVE.

After the launch of the new feature, we will be focusing our attention on the member and subscriber experience. We will be adding features to make it easier for players to get together for private leagues. We plan to update our commissioner invitation system with a list of DTB members who wish to display their wins and championship history. This will provide another option for commissioners to fill leagues. A league board which will allow you to invite other players to your league with ease. Plus much, much more. QOL tweaks and features are something we work on every day. If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment or reach out to us with a help request.

In 2021 we will move to a phase of refining the site to become an addition to the Google and Apple app store. Thank you for your support throughout the years. We look forward to continuing on with the DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling community.

Have a great TLC Season!


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