Survivor Series Season Update & Draft Preview Video
Posted by: goukijones Aug 28, 2012 | 1668 views | 1 comments
*Season Update* New dates have been set for the Survivor Series Season(formally known as the Fall Challenge) starting September 3, 2012. Plus an exclusive video featuring Choke & FnJimmy: The "Fall Challenge" draft preview video.
The now dubbed "Survivor Series Season" will run from September 3, 2012 - November 18, 2012. Please draft accordingly. It is possible to reset your current league and draft again since this season will now go to Survivor Series.
With that said, allow me to explain. We shot a video on Saturday for the original 2-month-long-planned-season. Formally known as the "Fall Challenge." After we shot the video we had a long discussion about Survivor Series being included. We have now extended this season to go until Survivor Series. The WrestleMania season will not start December 10, 2012.
This video covers the next 2 months of the league and I believe it is still relevant and funny! Choke will add an update below on anything he thinks maybe different going into Survivor Series now. Thank you for playing our game and watching our videos. Good luck to everyone this season.
[UPDATED] Aug 28, 2012 4:06:11 PM
Aug 28, 2012 by choke
Choke here.
The addition of Survivor Series does alter my predictions a little, but not much of the order of the list. I do think we'll see a major title change at Survivor Series, if it doesn't happen prior to that. I would still stick with Sheamus and Punk at the top, only because even if they drop a belt at SS, that's the final show of the season and they won't be too adversely impacted by it. I couldn't argue hard with someone if they wanted to put Cena or Ziggler higher at this rate. I think odds look good for Ziggler to cash in MITB against Sheamus or maybe even Orton at some point in the next 3 months if they do Sheamus vs Orton.
Other than that pretty much the same list with the changes I made on the video itself. I'm starting to second guess having Kaitlyn so low as I could see them doing something where she turns heel and aligns with Eve? Just the possibility of that would probably move her up a little in my book. Just bizarre to have a face vs face match for the Divas title when you have several heel divas available.
Vickie would probably move up a bit too because I foresee an AJ vs Vickie match for the right to be GM in our future.
Also, I might be weird for thinking this, but anyone else see a Kane/Daniel Bryan or Kane/Zack Ryder tag team potential?