Sting and several NXT Wrestlers Added to the Roster
Posted by: choke Jul 14, 2014 | 1815 views | 7 comments
I decided that it'd be fun to clean up the roster a bit. Weeks ago I went through and deleted all of the talent that had been released to my knowledge.
Today I decided to load up Sting (rumored to be on RAW tonight), and several NXT Superstars who are either big names that I could envision being in the WWE sooner than later or who I'd ever recalled working a main WWE show. Plus, I have a wacky theory the WWE will be doing an NXT Invasion angle at some point, and thought it a good idea they be in the roster just in case.
Here's who I added:
Adrian Neville (NXT Champ)
Viktor and Konnor (aka the Ascension - NXT Tag Champions)
Sami Zayn (internet sensation)
Charlotte (NXT Woman's Champion)
Sasha Banks (she's teamed with Charlotte at some WWE house shows lately)
KENTA Kobayashi, recent signee.
I wouldn't advise trading for any just yet, but you never know!
Also feel free to let me know if there's anyone currently not listed on the roster that you'd like added.