Start of the FUW Winter 2012 League and Rule book Update
Posted by: goukijones Aug 15, 2011 | 2200 views | 1 comments
The FUW, the original fantasy league is kicking off their winter league starting today. Check out the rule book for the latest update.
The FUW is the original fantasy league that started almost 15 years ago. We're kicking off our winter league that starts today and ends after Wrestlemania 2012. April 1, 2012.
You can see our league here. We recommend following our formula, but you can design your league however you like on DTB.
DTB Manages all the points and rules. You can always suggest a new rule by Writing a Story.
Some new rules added:
Accompanying to the ring
Accompanying another wrestler to the ring. 2 points
Back Stage Interview Uninterrupted*
Complete an interview back stage with an official WWE Interviewer without being interrupted by anyone on the DropTheBelt roster. Am interview is when one wrestler or a team of wrestlers are being interviewed. No microphone, no points. Live interviews only. 3 points
*This rule is an updated version of Perfect Promo. Perfect Promo just got out of control. Hopefully this rule will be more easily managed.
Microphone Master
Hold a microphone and speak into it. (This point replaces Perfect Promo from the previous season) 1 point
Check the Rule Book for more additions.
Points have also been blown up a little bit, in hopes that this will balance the game better.
**Points and Rules are subject to change at anytime. This way we can insure that the game stays properly balanced. Remember wrestling is fake. Sometimes it's a little difficult to keep up with the WWE's imagination.
Please if you have any comments or suggestions, leave it in the comments area below or write a story.
Thanks for playing our fantasy league. Woo Woo Woo You Know It!