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Smackdown Not So Instant Fantasy Analysis - 6/22/2012

Posted by: choke Jun 24, 2012 | 1526 views | 0 comments

Who's rising, who's falling after this week's Smackdown?

A few excellent matches made it a good show.   Still not enough advancement on the young talent storylines IMO.


1.  Primetime Players - I was worried they were going to continue what they did Monday in having PTP leave the match or get DQ'd because they dont need the win with the #1 contenders matchup.  Instead they picked up a pinfall victory and it looks like the WWE is invested in pushing them at the moment, and I still like them to get the tag belts at MITB if not sooner.

2.  Del Rio - I fully expect him to get the next title shot against Sheamus, especially with Ziggler taking that clean loss.  I actually like that they had him beat Christian in a way to show that he's bigger than the IC title now.  

3.  Ryder - Of course right after I pronounce his fantasy career dead they bring him back to WWE TV.  Though I ultimately see Sandow going over in the feud it appears they're developing between the two, Ryder should get some matches out of this.

4.  Otunga - Am I the only one who enjoys what Otunga's been doing?   Obviously Clay will get the better of him in the end, but I hope this feud develops into bigger and better things for Otunga.

Others:  Ryback continues to dominate stiff competition =\ , Sheamus seemingly hasnt lost since March.


1.  The US title - This is just getting ridiculous.  Why even keep it on Santino when you're going to have him do Tuxedo matches and whatever the hell they had him doing on this show?

2.  Antonio - I dont understand why he isnt on Smackdown every single week.   Inexcusable.


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