Official clock: 2:19 PM PT. Trade window is OPEN

Shawn Michaels HBK Will Be Added to the Roster

Posted by: goukijones Sep 21, 2018 | 1160 views | 2 comments

We have had a lot of requests to add Shawn Michaels recently.  He will be added as a Legend on Monday 9/24/2018 after the Trade Window closes.  He will then be able to be queued up to add to your league.  We do this so everyone has a fair chance.  Lowest score in your league gets first pick.  If it's a tie, whoever entered the trade in first will get the pick.  So if you want Shawn Michaels, queue him up right away.  Although, I wouldn't reccommend it. 

He will be Legend status on our roster and not receive crossover points.

Thank you for playing.  


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