Rulebook update for the New Fall Classic 2014 season
Posted by: BatRastered Sep 21, 2014 | 1646 views | 8 comments
The upcoming "New Fall Classic 2014" season begins tomorrow September 22 and runs through the TLC PPV in December.
Match-made leagues will now be five teams of six. This will not affect leagues that were already formed with six teams.
Draws/No-decision matches will now be scored with both wrestlers receiving 5 points.
Chair, belt, or other foreign object hits will now stack up to 5 times maximum. The 6th hit will be granted a bonus 10 points. (See Cheatacular in the rule book).
Microphone master will now count for podium mic or microphone stands (e.g. Bad News Barrett or Slammy induction) this does not change the pre-recorded rule so these points must be earned during the currently airing broadcast.
The "Tout" rule was changed to "Internet Famous" and now applies to original YouTube and Vine and other VIDEO or PICTURES that air on the show in addition to Touts.
We will not be adding points for the loser of the match or just appearing on the show this season, we will re-evaluate after this season. We need to see how the draw rule works out first.
We will not be scoring any additional shows this season. We're still not sure how the Superstars/NXT taping schedules work. Superstars is up for consideration first as NXT is a different league with different titles and rosters. For those new to, we score RAW, Main Event, Smackdown, and all in-season PPV events including the kick-off show (match only for the kick-off show, no promos).
One final point of clarification... Anything that happens during the commercials or otherwise "exclusively on the app" during the shows DOES NOT COUNT. Ever. Being on the West coast time zone, those second-screen experiences often don't work for us correctly, and we usually watch the TV shows a few hours late anyway, so scoring these is not possible.
Thanks for all the suggestions and comments. We will open up another rules discussion after TLC. Good luck in your leagues!