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Rule Book Update 12/9/2012 New Rules & Point Increases

Posted by: goukijones Dec 8, 2012 | 2048 views | 5 comments

This is a list of all the changes taking place to the Rule Book before the WrestleMania 29 season starts. Thank you very much for playing along.

Bonus Points

Belt Attack *NEW
4 points

Hitting someone with any championship belt. 

Guest Enforcer *NEW
10 points

Be a guest enforcer during a match.

Ejected! *NEW
10 Points

Be ejected from ringside by an official during a match.

Tout *NEW
5 Points

Have an original Tout air. Repeats do not count. 

Strapped to a Stretcher
25 points

Awarded for injuring another Superstar or Diva, so that they must be taken out on a stretcher. The injured Superstar or Diva must be actually strapped into the stretcher. This rule stacks with Ambulance Ride.

Ambulance Ride
50 points

Awarded for a superstar or diva being shown put into an ambulance. (Points are awarded when the stretcher touches the ambulance.) The wrestler must receive Strapped to a Stretcher points to receive Ambulance Ride.

Guest Announcer
5 points

Announce a match. Put on a headset and announce during an official match.

5 points

Attack another wrestler. During a match, non-participants will be given interference points instead. Attacker must physically hit or knock down the attacked. This rule does not stack. Holds are an attack. Shoving does not count. (Once Per Segment)

Classic Promo
8 points

A Classic Promo is when a wrestler is on the way to the ring and a separate window pops up and that same wrestler is speaking in the video. Classic WWF.


Champion VS Champion *NEW
10 points

Royal Rumble
50 Points

Elimination Chamber
35 Points

Survivor Series
30 Points

Money in the Bank
30 Points

Hell in a Cell
25 Points

TLC Match
25 Points

Special Rules & Glossary

A special rules section will be added to the rule book page. 

NOTE: If a match is restarted or a decision reversed, we will go with the latest outcome of the match.

*Bell to Bell -  Some points can only be given out during a match, from when the bell rings to start the match, until it rings again to stop the match. A match is Bell to Bell.

*Once Per Segment - Some points can only be given out once per segment.

How we consider segments & Bell to Bell on DropTheBelt: If Ricardo Rodriguez speaks into a microphone before & after a match. Bell to bell breaks the segment, therefore 2 "Once Per Segment" points can be given. 2 Microphone Masters. He can also get interference points during the match & get attack points before & after the match. 

PPV Pre-show will only have the match segment scored & results will be posted on that PPV's results page. No PPV star points will be awarded. Official Announcement.

*Special note. Last season(Survivor Series 2012) during a Tensai match, there was major controversy about interference, attack & who actually got the DQ win. The WWE posted the results to be a draw & chaos ensued on DTB. Moving forward, FINAL MATCH RESULTS will be based on Bonus points can still be reviewed via video from WWEFanNation. 


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