Rule Book Example: Back Stage Beat-up
Posted by: goukijones May 7, 2011 | 2499 views | 0 comments
This is an example of the points that were passed out during the Beat Down of Ezekiel Jackson, by members of The Corre, backstage. SmackDown 5/7/2011.
Back Stage Beat-up
Awarded for beating up another WRESTLER back stage. This includes off-site shoots. Who ever is lying down at the end, got beat up. 3 points
This is a great example of how the DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling League is exciting with out a match even happening.
Friday Night SmackDown: SmackDown: Ezekiel Jackson pays the price for striking Wade
So for this shoot back stage, DropTheBelt awarded points for the following actions.
- Wade Barrett recieves 1 point for Chair Shot.
- Heath Slater recieves 1 points for Foreign Object. (Suitcase)
- Heath Slater recieves 1 points for Foreign Object. (Laundry Crate)
- Justin Gabriel recieves 1 points for Foreign Object. (Laundry Crate)
- Wade Barrett recieves 3 points for Back Stage Beat-up.
- Heath Slater recieves 3 points for Back Stage Beat-up.
- Justin Gabriel recieves 3 points for Back Stage Beat-up.
Since there were 3 wrestlers doing the beating up backstage, all 3 wrestlers were awarded points for that rule.
SmackDown 5/7/2011 Official DropTheBelt Results.
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