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Perry Saturn Coming Out Of Retirement, Gail Kim & Melina News.

Posted by: RandyOrton Sep 16, 2011 | 1480 views | 1 comments

Perry Saturn Coming Out Of Retirement, Gail Kim & Melina Appearing In Philly!

-- Gail Kim and Melina are scheduled to appear at next year's Philadelphia Comic Con, which takes place June 1-3 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

-- SHIMMER Women Athletes has announced the addition of Britani Knight to its next set of DVD tapings. SHIMMER returns to live action on Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, 2011, at the Berwyn Eagles Club (6309 26th Street) in Berwyn, Illinois.

-- Perry Saturn, 45, is coming out of retirement as he is scheduled for AWE's Night of the Legends pay-per-view event on October 15 in Fisherville, Virginia. 

Following his last match in 2006, Saturn seemingly disappeared from public view and was not seen for several years. The former WWE Superstar resurfaced late last year and revealed in an interview that after being shot by a firearm, he became addicted to methamphetamine and was homeless for a few years. He claimed to be sober and expressed interest in a return to the squared circle.


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