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New Rules Testing - Attack! & Guest Announcer

Posted by: goukijones May 28, 2011 | 1599 views | 9 comments

We've been talking about adding a few new rules to the league. Please let us know what you think in the comments. If you have better wording for these rules, please leave that in the comments as well.

Attack! - Attack another wrestler in the ring after an official match. The bell must have rung or Interference points will be given instead. These points do not stack. Wrestlers must physically hit or knock down the attackee. 1 points

Guest Announcer - Appear on Raw, SmackDown or any PPV and actually announce a match. Must put on a headset and announce during a live match. 1 points

While we test these points they will only be worth 1 point. All of the points in the DropTheBelt fantasy game will change and scale with the next official FUW season. That season starts after SummerSlam.

Please leave your comments below. If you have any suggestions for rules, please leave a detailed description in the comments below.

Thank you.


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