MatchMade Fantasy Leagues Now Forming For WrestleMaina 2013
Posted by: goukijones Nov 8, 2012 | 1372 views | 1 comments
WrestleMania Fantasy Season begins December 10, 2012. Matchmaking Updated.
Match made leagues are now forming for the 2013 DropTheBelt WrestleMania Fantasy Season.
Create a team for MatchMaking right now.
[Click to Create a Match Made Team]
WrestleMania Fantasy Season December 10, 2012 - April 7, 2013
Matchmaking drafts will begin the Monday AFTER Survivor Series, November 19, 2012.
Be sure to follow @DropTheBelt on Twitter for all the updates. Please Like us on Facebook & subscribe to our YouTube channel for even more coverage of the season. We have exclusive videos featuring our resident WWE Guru, FnJimmy & Choke the self proclaimed master of the DropTheBelt Fantasy Wrestling game. The first 5 people to create a fantasy team will face Choke in the very first league created for this season.
*Remember to set your auto-draft order if you can't make draft day. [Learn More]
*Also you can link your DTB profile to Twitter & receive notifications directly from @DropTheBelt. Including opening & closing of the trade window. [Learn More]
Custom leagues will have their commissioner set a draft date & time.
Good luck to everyone. Have fun. Thank you for visiting DropTheBelt & enjoying the fantasy game.