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How Do Survivor Series Points Work?

Posted by: goukijones Nov 10, 2016 | 2036 views | 6 comments

Just to clarify how scoring will go for all these super exciting Survivor Series matches coming up.

Being on the PPV you will get points.

PPV Star
Awarded for participating in a match on any PPV. 3 points

Being on the winning team will get you points.

Survivor Series
Awarded for being on the winning team for a survivor series match. 10 points.

If you are a survivor you will be awarded points.

Sole Survivor
Awarded for surviving a survivor series match. 20 points

*All of these points can stack.  

You can also score by eliminating a wrestler on the other team. 

Awarded for eliminating a wrestler or tag team in elimination style matches (only the person performing the actual pin, submission, or over the top elimination is awarded the point). Stipulation and normal points will still be applied for the actual winner of the match as well. 3 points

Any questions or comments, please let us know before.


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