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FUW and Smackdown results 12/03/2010

Posted by: goukijones Dec 4, 2010 | 1539 views | 1 comments

These are the Smackdown results from 12/03/2010 and the total team points for the FUW.

Smackdown Results

Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler beats MVP & Kaval. stip = 0. Total points Ziggler(pin) = 5 Drew McIntyre = 2
Kofi Kingston pins Jack Swagger. stip = Number 1 contender match. Total points Kofi Kingston = 7
Cody Rhodes pins Chirs Masters. stip = 0. Total points Cody Rhodes = 5
Layla pins Rosa Mendes. stip = 0. Total points Layla = 5
Edge pins Jane stip = decide a stipulation. Total points Edge = 7

FUW standings

  1. Slammin' Schmidts = 44
  2. Jimmy Harts = 43
  3. Wild Bunch = 38
  4. Team B =  37
  5. I have no idea = 14
  6. Whatever = 12
  7. Team G = 11
  8. Nubfarm = 7

Smackdown team points

  1. Jimmy Harts = 7
  2. I have no idea = 7
  3. Whatever = 7
  4. Team G = 5
  5. Team B = 5
  6. Wild Bunch = 0
  7. Slammin' Schmidts = 0
  8.  Nubfarm = 0

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