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FUW and Raw results 12/13/2010

Posted by: goukijones Dec 14, 2010 | 1528 views | 4 comments

These are the Raw results from 12/13/2010 and the total team points for the FUW.

Big Show def. Wade Barrett. stip=0. Total points Big Show = 3
Jackson Andrews is the big Jimmy with Tyson Kidd
Mixed tag team match
Kofi Kingston def. Dolph Ziggler. stip=0. Total points Kofi Kingston = 5
Daniel Bryan Total points 2
Ted Deibasse 0
Dolph Ziggler 0
Cody Rhodes def. Mark Henry. Stip=0. Total points Cody Rhodes = 5
Alberto Del Rio interferes = 1
The Miz def. Rey Mysterio. stip=0. Total points The Miz = 5
Diva Battle Royal
Layla = 1,1
McCool = 1,1,1,5
Glamazon = 1,1
Natalya = 1,1,1
Edge def. Jack Swagger. stip=0. Total points Edge = 5
Randy Orton def. Alex Riley. stip=2. Total points Randy Orton = 7
John Cena def. David Ortunga. stip=0. Total Points John Cena = 5

53 Total points

Raw team points and total

Team B
Randy Orton def. Alex Riley. stip=2. Total points = 7
Cody Rhodes def. Mark Henry. Stip=0. Total points Cody Rhodes = 5
Total = 12

Wild Bunch
Big Show def. Wade Barrett. stip=0. Total points Big Show = 3
Total = 3

Jimmy Harts
John Cena def. David Ortunga. stip=0. Total Points = 5
Kofi Kingston def. Dolph Ziggler. stip=0. Total points Kofi Kingston = 5
Total = 10

Slammin' Schmidts
The Miz def. Rey Mysterio. stip=0. Total points The Miz = 5
Natalya = 1,1,1
Total = 8

Team G
Alberto Del Rio interferes = 1
Michelle McCool = 1,1,1,5
Total = 9

Edge def. Jack Swagger. stip=0. Total points = 5
Total = 5

I have no idea
Layla = 1,1
Total = 2

Daniel Bryan. stip=winning tag team. Total points 2
Glamazon = 1,1
Total = 4

Overall FUW standings

  1. Slammin' Schmidts = 87
  2. Team B = 59
  3. Jimmy Harts = 56
  4. Wild Bunch = 41
  5. Team G = 30
  6. I have no idea = 22
  7. Nubfarm = 20
  8. Whatever = 21

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