FAA New Rule Suggestion
Posted by: goukijones May 28, 2011 | 1563 views | 1 comments
What do you think of this new suggestion on how to work trading after SmackDown each week.
We did a test run last night between all of the teams in the FUW Summer 2011 league. Whoever was in last place got to make the first trade and then we went up the list. We'll be able to work this into the site soon enough, if you guys like the idea.
What would happen is, as soon the results are closed for SmackDown an email notification will be sent out to the owner of the lowest scoring team in his/her league. That owner will have either the option to make a trade or pass. Once you pass, you will not be notified again until the everyone else in your league has passed or let their time expire. You will have 30 minutes to make a trade or pass. If you don't not make a trade or pass within those 30 mins, you will be automatically skipped. You will then be notified after everyone in your league has had their turn, that the trade window is now free for all.
Trades can still be made at anytime during the open Trade and FAA window, but you must contact your league commisioner to make that happen.
May 28, 2011 by goukijones