DTB Fall Season and Rules update
Posted by: BatRastered Aug 24, 2015 | 1746 views | 8 comments
Thank you to all the DTB fans out there who made the SummerSlam season a success. The season is now over, I hope you did well in your leagues!
The DTB Fall 2015 season starts on September 21 (the night after Night of Champions) and runs through its finale at the TLC PPV event on December 13. Get your drafts ready.
Quick update on the kickoff/pre-show rules, back in the day these things used to be 30 minutes and there was either 1 match or some sort of billed segment (e.g. Miz TV) that was advertised. We had scored this segment like any other (minus PPV star points since this wasn't technically part of the PPV). The kickoff is now an hour (and sometimes more) and features multiple segments, interviews, and matches. In order to simplify this and to not have to score 6 hours of WrestleMania next year, the kickoff rule is now as follows:
WWE PPV Pre-show (Kickoff): Pre-show will only have match results points & will be posted on that event's results page. No bonus points will be awarded.
Match results points include win/loss/dq/draw points, stipulation points, and title win/defend points.
New Day issues: The New Day are tag champs again, this gives us lots of problems over here regarding who has the belts and how points are awarded. To clarify, if 2 members of the New Day defend the belts those 2 get title defense points, the third member (who got accompanying to the ring points) does not. If there is some sort of handicap match or other stipulation allowing the third member to be a participant in the match, he will get title defense points as well. Please draft wisely.
Match loser points: this has come up before and I have had a couple requests this season to give some kind of points to the loser of the match since they currently get zero and their manager would get more for simply accompanying them to the ring, or someone who wasn't even in a match that night would get microphone master points. This would essentially be points for just "being on the show" (something we do for PPV events). How does everyone feel about that? I don't really like awarding points for losing, but I get the argument. Vote below and leave comments as to why you do/don't want this.
Aug 24, 2015 by BatRastered