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DropTheBelt Rule Update 9-16-13 Winter League

Posted by: goukijones Sep 18, 2013 | 2903 views | 5 comments

These rule updates & additions are being discussed. We'd like to hear from all you on these ideas. Please leave a comment with any suggestion. We ALWAYS love to hear your rule ideas.

Looking on ...

Watching a match on TV while backstage. 5 Points


Attack 3 or more people during any segment. 10 Points.

Back Stage Beat Up

Now Reads:
Awarded for beating up another WRESTLER back stage. This includes off-site shoots. Who ever is lying down at the end, got beat up. (OPS) *Previously recorded footage DOES NOT count. 8 points
New Rule:
Awarded for beating up ANYONE back stage. This includes off-site shoots. The person lying down at the end, got beat up. (OPS) *Previously recorded footage DOES NOT count. 10 points


Now Reads:
Coming in contact with the referee and/or whoever is involved with the match. Handing a wrestler an object. One foot on the apron during a match. Once per match, per interferer. Does not count if interference is legal in a match (such as a no-DQ match). 3 points
New Rule:
Coming in contact with the referee and/or whoever is involved with the match. Handing a wrestler an object. One foot on the apron during a match. Once per match, per interferer. Some clarification if they are part of the match (like a lumberjack) they don't get interference points. 3 points


More to come ...


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