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Choke's WWE Smackdown 11/7/2014 Preview: Goldust and Stardust in a cage for the titles and Christian returns!

Posted by: choke Nov 5, 2014 | 1385 views | 2 comments

As usual this preview comes from and they are my PREDICTIONS, as I have not read the spoilers.

1.  Goldust and Stardust vs the Usos in a Cage match for the WWE Tag Team Championship:   Should be interesting.   They've been pairing off Dust 2 Dust with the Matadores recently so one would think the Matadores will get a title shot down the line, plus the Usos have been feuding with Miz and Mizdow, so unless they're going to go fatal 4 way for the titles at some point, it's hard to see the Usos coming away with it here.   Miz/Mizdow will probably play a role in the finish costing the Usos the match.   D2D Retain.

2.  Ryback vs Cesaro:     Not sure what to make of the rollercoaster ride WWE is having Cesaro on, but he can't possibly win this match, and that's a shame.   

3.  Adam Rose vs R-Truth:   The beginning on Adam Rose's heel turn?   I'm thinking we see some sort of Bunny interference which will actually cost Rose the match and begin a, wait for it:   Adam Rose vs the Bunny feud.   Heaven help us

4.  Natalya vs Summer Rae:   Hm, not sure where this really fits in the current storylines, unless Tyson Kidd gets involved at ringside and maybe costs Natalya the loss?   Yeah, I'll go with that.

5.  Dolph Ziggler vs Kane in a non-title cage match:   This probably ends with a giant schmozz of all of Team Cena and Team Authority, obviously capped off by Orton probably getting some revenge on Kane and Rollins.   

There's also a Peep show with Christian interviewing Ambrose, which obviously will have the lights go out and Wyatt mind games.   

Overall:   I love any title being on the line during Smackdown, but outside of that not too much to get excited about.   Hopefully Cesaro gives Ryback an actual match and they don't have it just a squash.   Maybe Rose as a heel if they do indeed go that route will actually be tolerable, but I'm not holding my breath.   Ziggler vs Kane in a cage could be okay if Kane brings his A-game, which is sorta few and far between    I'll go 3 shots of Jameson out of 5.




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