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Choke's WWE Smackdown 10/17/2014 Preview: Ziggler vs Rollins highlights an otherwise dreary looking show

Posted by: choke Oct 16, 2014 | 1407 views | 1 comments

My first one of these that I've ever done separately.   I can't handle doing it all in one fell swoop, I hope you understand.   

These previews come from, and then I just insert my PREDICTION for what will happen.   I do not read ahead and spoil the show for myself.

Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins (non-title):   Should be the match of the night.   Given the WWE's tendency to have their mid-card champions lose to the upper-tier guys, it seems likely Rollins will go over here.  There's a slight chance Ambrose will interfere and cause him the loss, but there's just as much of a chance for Cesaro to do the same to Ziggler.   I think the most likely of outcomes is Rollins to win, and Cesaro to come in after and attack Ziggler to further set up the IC match between those two.

AJ Lee vs Layla (non-title):  Seems like they might be setting up for some big battle royal for the Divas title since they simply have AJ teaming up or going against each and every other Diva.  I think that will continue here, maybe with Paige/Alicia Fox causing AJ a non-title loss against Layla?   I'll go with the upset and say that happens.

Sheamus and the Usos vs Miz and Dust to Dust:   Is Dust 2 Dust an official name for these 2 yet?   I'm rolling with it even though I don't see anyone else using it nearly as much as I do.   So clearly this is a bit of a preview of two HIAC matches.  The tricky part in predicting a winner is that you've got belts on both sides of the equation.   If all the belts were with the faces, I'd think it likely the heels would win or vice versa.   Since they've already confirmed Miz vs Sheamus, I think they'll give the Usos a win over D2D (even though D2D DESPERATELY needs a win) to set up a tag match at HIAC.   So faces take it.

Nikki Bella vs Naomi:  Pretty easy to see one of two things can happen here.   a) Nikki wins to give her some momentum heading into her match against Brie at HIAC, or b) Brie causes Nikki the loss to add some depth (hah!) to their story.   I'll go with b.

Dean Ambrose vs Kane:   Ugh I really don't need to see Kane lose any more matches to the good guy of the week.   He's basically the Authority's Brooklyn Brawler right now, it's terrible.   Ambrose either goes over clean or wins by DQ when Rollins interferes.  Just to have it on record I'll say it's the latter   Yawn.

Well on the plus side, no Adam Rose or the Bunny!

Hopefully Ziggler/Rollins is all its cracked up to be.   

Gonna recommend 3 Jameson shots out of 5 for this one (the more shots you need, the worse the show)


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