Choke's WWE Raw rant and Smackdown Preview 9/30/2013 - 10/4/2013
Posted by: choke Oct 4, 2013 | 1744 views | 0 comments
I look back at RAW and preview tonight's Smackdown and this weekend's Battlegrounds PPV
Very standard RAW leading into what looks to be one of the least exciting PPVs WWE has put on since.... well, last month. I say it a lot, but aren't you thankful for Drop The Belt for making these months in between the major PPVs interesting?
The bigges stories gamewise out of Raw were the debut of Los Matadores and the official announcement of a match of the Shield vs Goldust and Cody Rhodes for their careers. More on those later in the rising falling. First, let's have a preview of Smackdown (no match result spoilers, as I don't know them)
1. RVD vs Fandango: Straight up enhancement match for RVD heading into Sunday. Maybe with a Del Rio attack after? RVD wins easily in the LOCK OF THE WEEK
2. Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio: Maybe this match follows up the RVD one for a reason. Since Ziggler is caught in mid-card hell for the time being and Del Rio has a title match in two days, Del Rio gets the win. Maybe we see the Shield cause schmozz and beat down Ziggler to soften him up for Ambrose? EDIT: I forgot it was sandow and not Ambrose. Odds of shield involvement slim to none.
3. Ryback vs R-Truth: Ryback vs Punk is one of the main events for the PPV, so it's pretty obvious he'll win, especially over a jobber. Wait, R-Truth might get an IC belt shot at Battlegrounds? Well shit, maybe they'll have Punk interfere and cause Ryback the loss to give Truth momentum against Axel? More likely is that Axel attacks Truth during or after and Punk comes in for the save? No matter what, this much is obvious, R-TRUTH SHOULD BE FIRED. Oh, right, prediction: Uh, Ryback wins and Axel attacks truth after.
4. 3MB vs Los Matadores: Did you all pick up Los Matadores last week? Hope so. Another quick and easy win for Fandiego. I know what you're all wanting to know from me: Is El Torito worth a pickup? I mean I personally wouldn't unless you're in a REALLY deep league with say more than 7-8 wrestlers per team. There are too many guys out there worthy of a pickup getting pinfalls each week that accompanying and potential attack/interference points are hard to justify holding. Time will tell though, and I guess it wouldnt completely shock me if Torito has more points than Wade Barrett by the end of the season. LOOK AT YOUR LIFE WADE. Oh btw am I the only one crazy enough to think these guys will be popular? I think the "Ole!" thing is going to catch on and fast. Just me? Okay.
5. Big E vs Kofi: Hm, I guess this can go either way. They both need feuds at the moment. I'll say Big E gets this one and starts a small series between them. Arent we lucky.
6. Brie Bella vs Aksana: Okay this one is more obvious than even the RVD/Fandango. Brie simply HAS to win this. COLDEST SNAKE LOCK OF THE WEEK. AJ maybe on commentary with a confrontation after?
7. The Shield vs Big Show: I regret not having Show, because you know this is just going to lead to him being this indestructible face in a month or two. Unfortunately the crowd still probably wont care because it's the Big Show, but I mean the WWE is trying for the 100th time to make him some sort of fan favorite. I think the Shield goes over on him, and then Cody, Goldust and Bryan run out and make the save again Shield and Orton. We close out with Supershmozz.
Rising/Falling: This will probably be the exact same as last week, sorry
1. Goldust: If you have a free spot or someone that you like holding that you're certain no one else will swoop in on, I think it's worth drafting Goldust before the PPV as he's almost sure to win that tag match with Cody to get at least Cody his job back. If they do win, and Goldust goes back to wrestling semi regularly, I can even see them being thrust into tag title contention? Worst case they win Sunday (okay worst WORST case is they lose Sunday and the person you drop for him like Zeb Colter comes out and beats Damien Sandow to death with a steel chair before cashing in MITB on RVD to close the show), but realistically worst case is they get the win, Cody gets the job back, and goldust goes away, then you re-draft who you traded for him. YOU'RE WELCOME
2. Brie Bella: Legitimate shot to win the Divas title since the WWE is so ignorant with how to use one of the best female talents (AJ) they've ever seen. Or maybe they turn Nikki heel (!!) and cost Brie the match. Fuck I dont know, who can predict the Divas division right now.
3. Los Matadores: I enjoyed the act, and as I said before I like the "Ole!" gimmick because fans ALWAYS like saying stupid shit during a match. The Ole! alone can get them over. IMO. (you have every right to make fun of me if these guys are losing to 3MB on Main Event in 5 months.
1. The Miz: I didnt plan on writing about him, but I just reviewed the roster, saw he only had 2 points this season, and had to comment. I honestly can't think of anything he's even been involved in outside of getting his head bashed in by Orton. Now obviously you shouldnt drop him, but does anyone honestly care about his whereabouts or any future feuds he gets involved in? I dont know, maybe you SHOULD drop him.
2. PTP: Yikes. So much for my "dark horse" pick. I thought Darren Young coming out as homosexual would increase to some increased exposure (it has), along with some wins (it hasnt). I dropped them personally, with the Usos having the #1 shot at the tags, and the Wyatts disposing of all who go against them, I don't know when/how PTP will get shine
3. Tons of funk: Exact same writeup as PTP, except remove anything about homosexuality (though those Spikes Brodus had on a few weeks ago were kinda suspect)