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Choke's WWE Raw Rant and Smackdown Preview 8/11/2014 - 8/15/2014

Posted by: choke Aug 13, 2014 | 1558 views | 3 comments

RAW Rant

My final rant and preview for the season   Don't worry though, we'll be back in no time for the Survivor Series season.   Also be on the lookout as the entire DroptheBelt crew is going to be at next week's RAW.   My suggestion that we just score that episode and lump it in with the season was shot down :(     I'll be back in a couple days with my Summerslam predictions thread which I hope are entertaining to see me embarrass myself with wild predictions that will never happen.   RAW was pretty much what I've come to expect from the last show before a PPV.   All the matches got some time and nothing really exciting happened.   Okay we did get Hall and Nash which I will always be able to watch.   I'm disappointed at a lot of the talent who as of yet don't have a match booked for Sunday.   Are the Usos, Cesaro, Sheamus, Bo Dallas, Harper/Rowan really not going to be on the show?   Seems like a waste especially if they force Swagger and Rusev down our throats again.    I have liked the build for Cena/Brock, Ambrose/Rollins and Wyatt/Jericho though, and apparently am the only one who's still not bored of Bray's promos.   Also Paige and AJ <3.    Brie and Steph is a necessary evil, but I have no interest in seeing Reigns pin Orton for what seems to be the 100th time in the last 3 months, and no I dont care if it's never happened, the point is it feels like it has.    Okay I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore, perfect time to go onto Smackdown!    Oh yeah don't let me forget to add Kevin Steen to the roster at some point....   

Smackdown Preview

1.  Dean Ambrose vs Cesaro:   It's heartbreaking to me what they're doing to Cesaro.   Obviously Rollins could interfere and give him the win, but with the way he's been losing lately there doesn't really seem to be a point in giviing him a win against Ambrose in this spot, no matter how it could happen.   Ambrose takes it and we get some Rollins fightin action after.   I know!   Maybe this is all leading up to Cesaro at some point stealing the briefcase and cashing it in against Lesnar to win the WWE title.  It could happen....    

2.  Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O'Neil,  Is SlaterGator even still a thing?   Heath seems to be everywhere lately and Titus is only along for about 30% of those appearances.  Miz could cause Dolph the loss to Titus as he did with Slater on RAW, but I'm guessing Dolph picks up the clean win here, maybe even despite Miz's best attempts otherwise.

3.  Luke Harper vs Mark Henry's preview said that a tag match develops out of one of the listed matches, and odds are that it'll be this one.  Guessing it ends in a schmozz with Rowan/Big Show eventuallly coming out, and that turns into a new match Wyatts vs World's Strongest Show.   If that does happen, they'll probably unfortunately give it to Henry and Show to build up the new tag team.

4.  AJ Lee vs Eva Marie in a non-title match:  Why on earth is Eva getting any sort of shine whatsoever.   Can someone answer that?   I mean I don't mind looking at her, but she really needs to work on her in-ring and that's putting it very, very mildly.   It's just weird that Summer, Naomi, Cameron, etc haven't seemingly been on TV in weeks and she got a pin on AJ.   Anyway, AJ gets her revenge here.  

5.  Jack Swagger vs Bo Dallas:   Swagger's on a bit of a roll as the WWE tries to convince us he's going to take down Rusev.   If Bo Dallas still had his streak going I could see Rusev causing Jack the loss, but I think Swags takes it and we get some more flag wavin' action after.   Because 'Murica.

6.  Roman Reigns vs Miz:   It's supposed to be MizTV with Reigns, so maybe this match develops out of that.   Reigns has to look strong going into Summerslam but at the same time you know Orton's going to come out.   I dont know why they'd sacrifice the Miz who has his own match at Summerslam yet I dont see Dolph coming out in any way and closing out the final show prior.     Eh, I'll just stick with the safe call of Reigns winning and Orton RKOing him or something to be the final image before the PPV.

OVERALL:   Doesn't look too bad.  Potential for some good matches, opportunities for decent buildup, and best of all, you guessed it, no Adam Rose!    I'll still go with 3 out of 5 shots of Jameson because Cesaro is going to lose his 12th match in a row.


So here's the thing.   After Smackdown ends, your only chance for points is to pick up someone who is scheduled, or could be scheduled for a match at Summerslam.   That means drop anyone you think will probably not be anywhere on the show that may have done okay during the regular season and pick up anyone who is a) a sure thing to be on it or b) has a good chance to be added to it.   These will reflect those

1.  Stephanie McMahon/Brie Bella:  One of them is walking away with 20+ points.   Yet Stephanie is only owned in 6% of all leagues, and Brie in about 20%.   Those numbers can be a little deceiving because there are many leagues without active players, but I'm willing to bet there are several active ones where people are sleeping on these potential points

2.  Rybaxel/SlaterGator/Big Show&Henry:   Right now there is not a tag title match on the card, and maybe they gave us the one on Main Event to make up for that, but there's also a chance they add one last minute or have it on the pre-show, and maybe some shocking upset happens and the titles switch hands.   Again, not likely, but I'd rather take the chance on that than have Adam Rose who hasnt wrestled in two weeks.    

3.  At this point just grasping at straws.   Maybe HHH or Nikki since they'll be ringside?  Maybe Heyman?   Maybe someone you think might have a match added like R-Truth against Dallas or some sort of US title match they'll throw together with Cesaro or RVD against Sheamus?   Good luck with those!


All the decent point getters who at this point have no match at Summerslam.    Sheamus, Bo Dallas, The Usos, Harper/Rowan, Big E, Adam Rose, Cesaro, Naomi, Cameron, Kane.....  Hope you make the right call and drop those who won't appear and pick up some that might.   Oh who am I kidding no one is going to do anything except one guy will drop Kane for Stephanie McMahon.   Here's to you sir!

Enjoy the PPV and see you next season!   (or in a few days for my Summerslam Predictions, but that doesnt have the same dramatic effect)


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