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Choke's WWE RAW Rant 10/20/2014: Sandow wins! Goldust and Stardust win! #ReverseRAW

Posted by: choke Oct 22, 2014 | 1345 views | 1 comments


While not exactly bringing me back to WWE's heyday, I didn't overall hate this episode of RAW.  I thought the storyline development leading into HIAC was actually sort of solid.  

You had Mizdow beating Sheamus leading up to the US title match, which is just begging now for a Miz win so that Sandow can turn full face against his idol.   I'll talk more about Sandow on Thursday/Friday.  

You had Alicia Fox beating AJ which could potentially set up a similar story if Paige wins the gold Sunday.  

I thought the Rollins/Orton tension which had been somewhat non-existent the last several weeks was much needed especially if they're trying to convince us that Orton might face Lesnar for the title with Rollins still having the case in play.   I like that sort of forward thinking from the WWE, if that's indeed why they're doing it.  

The Rusev stuff was cheesy but I thought they did a decent effort trying to make that "soldier" running into the ring look legitimate.  


Ambrose has looked straight up foolish the last few weeks.  Who is his target audience with this mannequin, jack in the box, whoopee cushion stuff?   Terrible.  Just let him talk on the mic, he doesnt need all these awful ploys.  


The best they could come up with to hype the Brie/Nikki match on the final Raw before the PPV was to have Nikki watch as Brie won a meaningless match?   Meanwhile 2 months ago they were dominating our TV sets for an hour a night.   Just really, really bizarre

I miss Justin Roberts


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