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Choke's WWE Raw rant & Smackdown Preview 10/14/2013 - 10/18/2013

Posted by: choke Oct 16, 2013 | 1647 views | 0 comments

A recap of RAW, and a no match result spoiler preview of Smackdown

Even though there were some awful segments and matches, I can't complain about a show that gives us Del Rio vs Bryan as well as a Tag Title Change.   Speaking of that title change, any chance it holds up?   Even better for those who have Cody and Dust, CODEDUST (though I still wish Cody would bring back the stache so they can be called DUSTACHE), maybe they lose it back to the Shield or get it stripped from them, and then WIN IT BACK later?    Part of me thinks at some point Goldust will get written out of it all with some heinous injury and allow Cody to try to shine on by himself.   That's also a way they can get back to the Usos who, if you remember (does the WWE remember?), are the #1 contenders for the Tag titles.   How convenient that they've been the #1 contenders for what feels like 2 months and yet another team gets a shot before them?   Huh?!

Here's a look at this weeks Smackdown, no match result spoilers as I myself havent seen them

1.  Luke Harper and Erick Rowan vs Miz and Kofi - Well surely the main reason this exists is to further Bray's impending feud with the Miz.   Guessing he'll somehow get involved and cause Miz and Kofi the loss.   No reason to give the Wyatt clan another loss against an ad-hoc team like Miz and Kofi.   Harper and Rowan take it

2.  AJ Lee and Brie Bella in a non-title match.   Since it's non-title you'd think they give Brie the win here to set up a rematch at HIAC.   In fact, I'll do a LOCK OF THE WEEK here that they go that route.   Note:  I lost last week's lock of the week.   haha

3.  CM Punk vs Big E Langston.   Boy has Big E been wasted or what?   Not that I think he's some incredible talent, but is he really that much worse than say Ryback?   And by "that much worse" I mean isn't he a much better wrestler?   Actually I don't know, is he?   Either way, Punk should get the easy win here in one of those matches that the announcers will use to try to compare Big E to Ryback when we in no way need to be reminded yet again that CM Punk can beat a guy like Ryback, let alone Ryback himself.   If I didnt just foolishly use my Lock of the Week on the last match, I'd do so again here.

4.   Real Americans vs the Usos:   The Usos!   Welcome back.   I mean, as I said above they're the #1 contenders and have basically been off TV for the last month.   The Real Americans and in particular Cesaro with the Giant Swing stuff (which is awesome) have been building momentum, but you've got to give this win to the Usos right to set up their title shot?   RIGHT?   Going to go with that, Usos get the win

5.  The Shield vs Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, and Goldust:   Interesting match.   On the one hand you might need to give the Shield a win over DUSTACHE (I'm rolling with this still), in order to help build the hype that they might win them back quickly at HIAC, or do you give them another loss to further prove they're vulnerable?   Or do you have Orton come out and just make a giant mess out of it all.    Could really go any which way, but I'll say Orton gets Shield the win and "momentum" towards the rematch at HIAC (though they still have a few weeks)

Bonus!   Some Main Event no spoiler previews:

1.  Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Belt:   What a waste this and the IC belt have been, AGAIN.   I really thought the WWE might focus more on these titles this season as opposed to last, but it's clear a large portion of the fanbase just doesnt care, or that the WWE thinks they dont care about them.   Either way, Ambrose isn't going to lose it on Main Event, so he'll probably get some sort of cheap retain and maybe set up their 20th PPV match in a row.

2.  Santino and Tons of Funk vs 3MB:   It's matches like these that make me glad I don't really even watch this show.   How do you even predict this?   Well 3MB got a win over Tons of Funk last week or something didn't they?   Guessing Tons of Funk get their revenge here, plus Santino is a crowd favorite!   Which depresses me.

3.  R-Truth vs Damien Sandow:    You bury the MITB holder until the cash in, that's the gold standard logic of booking for them.   However, not on Main Event, and not against R-Truth.   I thought they were skewing towards a Sandow face turn?   This doesnt add much evidence of that....  Sandow wins

4.  Fandango vs The Great Khali:   As much as I've considered it, as Khali always gets more points than anyone would want to ever acknowledge/admit, I still can't bring myself to trade for him.   As such he probably gets the win here to make me further regret it, or even worse actually draft him.    But no, Fandango should get the win here.

So basically you want to turn it off after the first match.  lol

Rising/Falling for the week

1.  Goldust:   Wow, from not even being on the roster a month ago to being 7th on the season leaders.   That's what a title will do for you.   By the way, even though my current point total in my main league is not indicative of this, sometimes I really do know what I'm talking about.   That top 3 rising, if you were able to get all 4, would be burning up most leagues

2.  Real Americans (Cesaro, Swagger):   I'll admit I dropped the ball on these two, from both a pre-draft standpoint as well as in the past few weeks not acknowledging them on Rising/Falling the last few weeks.   They've won 4 straight matches in October alone!   I believe this is mainly to show off Cesaro's swing, and also to set up a collision course with the equally as hot Los Matadores.  The craziest thing is this group is actually starting to garner positive fan reaction, which is sort of awkward.   Anyway, Cesaro particularly could be a sleeper pickup if your entire league is slipping

3.  Tamina Snuka:   Still a little too early to tell, but in her new role as AJ's bodyguard, Tamina has already picked up 2 wins in the last week.   I don't look for this to continue too much longer and would advise holding off for now, but definitely keep an eye out or maybe make the trade if you're holding onto say, Natalya.

1.  Wade Barrett:   Was I the only one not aware of Barrett's Visa issues?   And here I was trashing him all these weeks for not being on the show, and it turns out it wasn't entirely his fault.   Either way, I doubt many of you have him on your team, but this might make you rethink it if you were holding out hope for a lot of points this season

2.  R-Truth:   Not sure what really spurred on his recent resurgence with the WWE writers, but I'm guessing it's over?   Then again he is on the official poster for hell in a cell.   Is that not the most nonsensical thing ever?   For all the hoopla over John Cena's rushed return and all the talk over dipping ratings etc, and you're going to put R-Truth on the poster?   And not R-Truth having his face shoved into the side of a cage, causing extreme bodily harm like we all want to see, but just him standing there in a suit.   How do I apply for a marketing job at WWE.   Someone is dropping the ball, bigtime.

3.  Nikki Bella:   Sooooooo the fat bella.



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