Choke's WWE 2014 Summerslam Predictions
Posted by: choke Aug 17, 2014 | 2099 views | 11 comments
On paper, tonight's card looks extremely solid, and the fact that there are 4-5 matches in which I don't have a solid idea of who is going to win helps tremendously. Unfortunately two of the three actual matches I'm most excited about seem to have pretty obvious choices for who will win. Let's get to it:
Pre-show: Rob Van Dam vs Cesaro: Two guys who have taken a complete downfall over the course of the season. Cesaro coming into this season had just won the Mania Battle Royal and then aligned himself with Heyman. The sky was the limit. Unexplainably Heyman was dropped and the next thing you know he was losing to the likes of R-Truth. If he were against almost anyone but RVD I'd probably quickly choose the opponent here, but RVD hasn't exactly lit the Fantasy Wrestling world on fire this season either. I don't really see much storyline point to give this win to either, but selfishly I'll pick Cesaro and hope that maybe a win here on what the WWE tries to sell as its second biggest show of the year can propel him back to a victory streak and maybe set him up with a feud against Sheamus for the US title.
IC Title match - Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz: I don't know why exactly but this feud hasn't inspired me much. Ziggler is obviously still great to watch in the ring, and the Miz can hold his own, but in a weird way it almost feels like a replay from the WWE Archives from two years ago. When I think of what I envision for the IC belt I'd rather see Bo Dallas or someone fresh with it. Zig and Miz just seem like they've been there and done that. Since I foresee a lot of heels going over tonight, I think they'll start the official show with a face win and Ziggler takes home the IC belt. Could go either way though.
Rusev vs Jack Swagger in a flag match: So Swagger got the nod after Big E to wave the US Flag. Swagger has never really dont anything for me in-ring, but then again neither has Rusev so this will definitely be a Jameson break. They've definitely built up Swagger pretty well during this feud, but it's still hard for me to see Rusev losing so quickly so I'm predicting Rusev to keep the streak. How do you even win a flag match anyway? Who will be next to pick up the USA flag is the biggest question?
Paige vs AJ Lee for the Divas Championship: Paige has done better as a heel, though it's much easier to have a personality as a heel than a face. I'll never complain about seeing these two wrestle each other. I also have no clue who is winning. There's a lot more opportunity for competitors for the title with a heel having the belt with potential feuds with Brie, Naomi and Natalya that come to mind off-hand. With AJ as champ Paige is obviously still an option but what else? Eva Marie who's taken two bizarre wins from AJ but has no in-ring ability at this point still? Cameron who's dropped off the face of the Earth? Just for this alone I'll go with Paige to regain her championship. Then you have AJ in chase mode and possibly Naomi, Brie and Natalya added to the mix as well.
Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt: The prevailing thought here, which I share, is that with Jericho getting the somewhat shocking victory last month at Battleground, and with Wyatt being buried pretty much since Mania, that the only way to make that up to him is giving him the win here. Makes sense. A couple things to consider: 1) Jericho is supposedly still under contract for another month after this. 2) WWE has been pretty content with burying other up and coming heel talent like Cesaro and Bo Dallas as of late, so maybe they just don't give a damn. Well, I'm still going to stick with my gut and say Wyatt reclaims some momentum here by taking out Y2J, and maybe gaining a follower since Rowan and Harper are banned from ringside. I'd like to see him go over clean, but I could see them get over that loophole by having someone unexpected return and turn on Y2J. CM PUNK? lol
Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins in a Lumberjack match: I've never been more disappointed in Dean Ambrose than when he chose a Lumberjack match for the stip. Really? There are so many other options logistically which wouldn't allow Seth to run away from the match if that was the main idea. Surrounding the ring with the likes of Diego and Fandango are really going to hold Rollins there? Why not just do a Falls Count Anywhere? I think there's something to it. One of the lumberjacks will end up helping Rollins win and side with the Authority. OR MAYBE CM PUNK. jk. Maybe give Sheamus something to do. Have him Brogue kick Dean, give Seth the win, then the Authority gets a title under their reign, and Ambrose picks up a feud for the next few months. NONE OF THIS WILL HAPPEN. I do know that. So much so in fact that I'm actually just going for an Ambrose win. I don't think the WWE likes giving briefcase holders wins.
Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton: Wow the WWE has really been hyping this one up. And they've done a good job at that, but it all comes down to me still not really caring about seeing these two wrestle each other. I find it so unlikely that Reigns would lose in this spot and it just seems like we've seen this match 100 times over the last 4 months. Reigns wins and probably swaps opponents with Dean for the next few months. Reigns can go against Rollins and Ambrose can go against Orton.
Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon: Is this match FOR anything? Brie has her job back, both have been arrested, Bryan is still on the sideline. I know their hype for it has largely just been grudge match style, but it does seem sort of bizarre that nothing is really at stake for the winner or loser. There must be some sort of reason to have HHH and Nikki in the respective corners, and the obvious thought is that Nikki might turn on Brie. Some would think that Nikki getting beat down the last few weeks might lead away from that theory, but I actually think they'll use that as her reason to turn on Brie. That Brie is self obsessed and only cares about herself and not Nikki. I can't believe I'm putting this much thought into it. Anyway, bottom line is I'll predict Nikki turns and Steph wins. The Authority gets a much needed victory under their belt and Brie and Nikki can feud for a few months.
Brock Lesnar vs John Cena for the WWE Title: Here's the thing: with Brock's contract it's difficult to keep him as Champion because of the limited appearances he will make, but at the same time you can't just have him lose the majority of his matches (even though the Taker one pretty much erases all the others from the mind). Speaking of Brock's limited schedule, The WWE did a heck of a job selling this match without needing Brock showing up each show. It just makes too much sense to have him win the title from Cena, and then you can have Cena take it right back next month and Brock can disappear again for a few months. I have to go with that. Brock leaves Summerslam as the WWE Champion (and probably gets the shiny new belt tomorrow on RAW)
See you next season!