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Choke's Smackdown 9/28 Fantasy Report: Kelly Kelly done done

Posted by: choke Sep 30, 2012 | 1626 views | 0 comments

Who's rising, who's falling after Friday night's Smackdown?

Entertaining episode of Smackdown with the start of the 8 tag team tourney and finally a new matchup for Sheamus after 3 years straight of Del Rio matches

1.  Big Show:  Am I the only one completely surprised by his quick ascension to the top of the ladder again?  Then again the only reason I think I was so surprised was because of how awful his first show back was last week.  It would have made a much better impact for him to just come back like he did this show and get thrust right back.  The Brodus/Tensai thing did nothing for him
2.  Rhodes Scholars:  They already have great chemistry IMO and they should be a shoe-in to win against the winner of the Ryder/Santino and Kidd/Gabriel match (see below)
3.  Ryder/Santino/Kidd/Gabriel:   If you have a worthless team member currently (as an example, I had Christian and Tensai), it might be worth picking up any of these 4 just for next week's show, as IMO it's a toss up who will advance (I lean Ryder/Santino though).   I plan on dropping Kidd and Gabriel immediately if they lose, and maybe even if they win depending on who else is available.   Obviously you'll want to think about if the person you're dropping for them will be snatched up by another team in your league and how much you'd care if they were.

Also:   The Barrage continues as expected, Cesaro earns a solid retention win, and is Beth Phoenix worth a pickup until she's officially out?  (I think no, as I think they wanted to give her one last win in her hometown out of respect.   Next week I think Eve gets her sent home officially)

1.  Kelly Kelly - In case you hadn't heard, Kelly Kelly was released, and right before I was about to do my milk carton report on her and predict that she was the one who attacked Kaitlyn.  In any case, drop her if you were holding her expecting a return.   For all her flaws in the ring, a part of me (guess which one) will still miss her presence.
2.  Santino - A first as I have Santino in both rising and falling.  This is more long term as I think he's out of the US title hunt and I just see him in general getting more losses than wins for the foreseeable future.  Not necessarily a must drop or anything and he's still better than a lot of the roster to have, but let's just say if a new draft started tomrorow I wouldn't put him very high on the draft list at the moment
3.  Lord Tensai - He simply can't get a win as of late, and now he doesn't even get Sakamoto attack points.  Getting more worthless by the week (though he did get that controversial DQ win a couple weeks back)

Also:  I dont see Kofi and Truth getting far in the tag tourney, the Usos continue to be valueless, and where was Heath Slater and his new crew?

[UPDATED] Oct 1, 2012 8:38:33 PM

Oct 1, 2012 by choke

UGH.  As mentioned by Cole, the Kidd/Gabriel vs Santino/Ryder match will be on Main event Wednesday which will NOT be graded.

Hopefully you didnt foolishly pick any of them up as I did


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