Choke's FUW Fantasy Impact: Smackdown 8/12, Summerslam, RAW 8/15
Posted by: choke Aug 15, 2011 | 2118 views | 2 comments
Thoughts on the impact last Fridays and this Monday's show has on FUW leagues as well as Summerslam impact
Lots to go over. First we had Smackdown which was a terrible lead into Summerslam, then we had Summerslam which felt extremely light on wrestling and extremely unmemorable story-wise except for the last match (which was really the only thing WWE sold as a reason to buy the PPV anyhow). Then Monday another letdown of a show considering how Summerslam was left off. Maybe I'm just too hard to please, but the Bella Twins? REALLY? Otunga/McGillicutty in a non-title match? Alex Riley vs Jack Swagger? You'd think this was the followup show to Vengeance.
So I just found out the Sin Cara that was used on Smackdown was not the original one? People are predicting a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud coming up...... that'll be interesting with FUW to say the least.
Not gonna put people who win belts in the rising list because it's too obvious FYI. Orton, Del Rio, Cody. Duh, rising.
1. Evan Bourne - Well his finisher has always gotten over with the crowd, but as long as this Kofi teamup wasn't a one time thing, all signs are pointing to them potentially winning the tag belts. Should at least be good for some tag team wins
2. Jack Swagger - I thought he was stuck in Superstars hell, but instead he comes back with a vengeance pinning the (unfortunately) hyped Alex Riley and maybe picking up Vickie as a manager? That's for sure going to lead to some wins (and maybe a US championship feud with Ziggler down the line?)
3. Wade Barrett - Big win for him at Summerslam, and I'm REALLY hoping this somehow results in him stealing or winning the briefcase from Daniel Bryan and using it for a match against Orton. I'm just having a hard time planning out the World Title right now. If Sheamus and Henry continue their feud, does that mean we're gonna get ANOTHER Orton/Christian match? Or will we get a 3 way dance with Sheamus and Henry? Who else is there besides Barrett to give Orton a standard heel/face feud?
1. Ezekial Jackson - Not just for losing the IC Title which we've all been expecting for months (right?), but then he doesnt even get a spot on the PPV. Does anyone think he wins it back this Friday or at Night of Champions? I guess anything is possible but I still feel he deserves to be on NXT or Superstars if not tweeting about his release
2. Christian - What a waste for this character. Don't see him getting the World Title back anytime soon. Will he be relegated to mid-carder status for the immediate (or not so immediate) future? Then again, if Henry and Sheamus are still feuding, who do they have for Orton????
3. Otunga/McGillicutty - I think their time is numbered if they're gonna start teaming up guys like Kofi and Evan Bourne to challenge for the titles as it seems like they're going to. I'm personally looking forward to a Miz/R-Truth team to hold the titles for a while. Miz-truth (Mistruth)?