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Choke's FUW Fantasy Impact: Monday Night RAW 8/29/2011

Posted by: choke Aug 29, 2011 | 1473 views | 0 comments

Thoughts on the impact Monday's show has on FUW leagues

Decent.  I expected more once HHH mentioned the Supershow concept, though I hope it doesnt last because it completely buries the mid-carders with this format of show.

Ziggler and Orton was a contender for match of the year so far.  Holy crap, for knowing without a shadow of a doubt that Ziggler would lose unless there was interference, they put together such a great match that actually had me thinking he would go over.  Good god can he sell moves.  I've never been more convinced he deserves to be at the top.

Please tell me we dont have to see Lawler in the ring against Otunga at any point.  Seriously, tell me that's not going to happen.  

WHY ARE WE STILL WATCHING THE BELLAS?   BETTER YET, WHY DID ONE OF THEM WIN TONIGHT?   Did they have some sort of contest where a 5 year old gets to write the storylines for this division?   I mean I thought it was bad enough that Kelly Kelly was going to pick up another pointless win, but even that would make more sense than having a bella pick up a win at this rate?!?!?!  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!?!?   This is wrestling if written by David Lynch.

Oh I forgot to ever mention the Mysterio surgery and him being out for a few months.  Shame, but selfishly I'm glad it happened just for the fact I dont have to see that awful 619 for a while.  

Super Smackdown is tomorrow and the matches seem pretty awful.   Christian vs Orton for the World Title take 415.  Cena vs Barrett (hey guys I really think Barrett goes over clean here.    lol), and the real insult, CM Punk vs Khali?   FFS.   I'm glad I'm not watching this live.  Is Sin Cara vs Del Rio still happening?  That's the most intriguing if so.


1.  HHH -   I guess?   

2.  Bellas - Just in case the WWE is planning a Divas tag team championship at some point, that could have been the point of this match.



1.  Nash - I don't know what's happening here



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