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Choke's FUW Fantasy Impact: Monday Night RAW 7/18/2011

Posted by: choke Jul 19, 2011 | 1535 views | 0 comments

Thoughts on the impact Monday's show has on FUW leagues

Terrible show, but only because they were coming off of such a great PPV.  Any other week and this was a decent show chock full of wrestling and a tournament to find a new WWE Champion, but they didn't give us what everyone wanted: CM PUNK DRAMA.  I know that the storyline is to erase him from the memorybanks (like they're erasing all mentions of him on and obviously something will happen where he makes a return and either loses it and goes on hiatus or gets a new contract under the new HHH Regime, but still, not mentioning him at all was a huge mistake, and the tournament didn't feel important at ALL because of the lack of mentions



1. John Morrison - I'll be completely shocked if he doesnt return by the end of the Summerslam PPV.  Only question is will it be in official match capacity or will it just be a run in on a Truth match?

2. Miz - The best thing that can happen to him is if that A Ry squash last night was the end of their feud.  If it continues next week and beyond, forget I wrote this.

3. Del Rio - My prediction is that next week we see Mysterio vs Miz in the finale for the title.  Mysterio wins only for Del Rio his bitter rival to cash in MITB and win the title.  Then something happens with CM Punk/Cena/Del Rio with Summerslam.   All my predictions are shit though, so Del Rio will probably lose the case in a river and lose his opportunity on the next episode of NXT.




1. Big Show - Pretty self explanatory.   I dont think anyone was expecting Henry to just squash him completely at the PPV.  Made him look completely weak and pathetic.  Of course he'll make some triumphant return at some point and get revenge, but for now this is about 2 months going that he's been made to appear completely vulnerable.

2. Alex Riley - Pretty much a non-factor in the MITB match, then losing in the first round to a gimpy Miz?  Add to that the fact the crowd just hasn't warmed up to him.....  He's still a solid hold and I'm sure he'll still get occasional points, but I think the WWE expected more

3. Otunga/McGillicutty - Have yet to defend their titles ONCE since winning them, and have been relegated to losing non-title matches on Superstars and handicap matches to Cena.   Just completely bizarre.  


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