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Choke's FUW Fantasy Impact: Friday Night Smackdown 6/3/2011

Posted by: choke Jun 5, 2011 | 1450 views | 0 comments

Thoughts on the impact Friday's show has on FUW leagues

Good show.  Finally got the Christian heel turn we've been waiting for, and several excellent matches


1. Christian - As a face I didn't see him getting the title back anytime soon.  Now?  I fully expect it.  I'm really hoping they keep him in sort of a tweener role though and keep Sheamus in the mix for purely selfish reasons

2. Jinder Mahal - He wrestles!   I thought they might keep him in a managerial/non wrestling role, but now that he's shown he can wrestle adequately, it just opens up way more possibilities for him to get some points

3. Kaitlyn/AJ Lee - VERY MINOR PICK here.  I just have a feeling that with the WWE forcing us to watch these two (though personally I'm not minding watching AJ) lose to Tamina and Fox for two weeks in a row, that they have something up their sleeve with these two.  Otherwise WTF is the point of making us watch them?  They should at the least get a win next week or something?  Just seems odd to me they're doing this on smackdown and not superstars where it seems like it belongs



1.  Wade Barrett/Corre:  This is unbelievably getting sadder and sadder by the week

2. Mark Henry/Sheamus:  These guys are still worth holding onto obviously, but with Christian possibly establishing him as a top heel (THE top heel?) on the show, it just takes away possibilities for these two in the upcoming weeks.  Will be interesting to see where they go after the PPV whether Orton or Christian win.

Wildcard pick:  Johnny Curtis.   How long will they drag this out?  Is he ever going to get the tag title match he "won" on NXT?   I think he's a solid pickup in a deep league, but until he actually starts wrestling (or until he starts using a mic in his promos?  lol) I'd hold off personally.


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