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Choke's WWE Extreme Rules 2013 Predictions and Fantasy Preview

Posted by: choke May 19, 2013 | 1639 views | 2 comments

My predictions for tonight's show and some fantasy discussion as well

Nice looking undercard for tonight's show.   I'm actually more excited about this lineup as a whole than I was about Mania, which sounds insane.   

Not going to waste a lot of time here, let's get to the matches:

Pre-show:  Cody Rhodes vs the Miz
Analysis:  Hard to see the Miz not winning here.  I still believe he will retain the IC title sooner than later, or perhaps get thrown into the US belt picture if Ambrose wins that title tonight.  Rhodes is still at a crossroads (I know, I know), and until he's revealed as Kaitlyn's secret admirer or some other shift happens, I'm not big on his point potential.

Who should win:   As much as I hate to say it, the Miz
Who will win:  The Miz

Strap Match:  Sheamus vs Mark Henry
Analysis:  The loser of this match are the fans with the awful way it's been built up.  Tough to call the winner on this. On the one hand, it's Sheamus, and Sheamus will bully his way to victory every time.   On the other hand, Mark Henry is still on the path to establishing himself again as the most dangerous man on the roster.  I really don't think either man gains or loses too much from a win or loss here.   Hell Henry just beat Ryback at Mania and then Ryback got a WWE Title shot established the very next night.   WWE storytelling for you.   Both guys will continue to rack up the points no matter what.

Who should win:  Mark Henry.  I always feel that heels need these type of wins more.   Sheamus can get a title shot whenever he wants and the fans wont care
Who will win:  Mark Henry (flip a coin)

Chris Jericho vs Fandango
Analysis:  I know this just began at Mania, but I already feel like we've been seeing it for months.  According to this article based on an interview with Chris in the UK, he might be signed through Summerslam.   If that's truly the case, it's hard to picture them giving him 2 straight losses to Fandango in back to back PPVs.  If he's leaving before that, then it's possible the WWE will attempt to get Fandango more over and sell more iTunes songs and have him send Jericho out via injury.   I dont see it.  We might see a Fandango beatdown after a Jericho win to do that though if he is leaving.  

Who should win:   Jericho (but followed up with a Fandango beatdown to further establish him as a dangerous heel)
Who will win:  Jericho 

US Championship match:  Kofi Kingston vs Dean Ambrose
Analysis:  Popular opinion seems to be that Dean Ambrose will win this.  I have EXTREME doubts about this.  Not that Kofi's run has been inspiring, but it just seems so fast to have him lose it already.  The WWE hasn't really sold the Shield as being extremely dangerous in solo competition, though we could always see some sort of interference from Reigns and Rollins to give Ambrose the win (duh, I know).  As much as I would love to see the tags and the US on the Shield by the end of the night, I think they will settle for the tag belts (prediction spoiler).   If Kofi loses I'm not big on his points potential for the season, though maybe it will be to set him up with a MITB run?

Who should win:  Kofi (I really, really can't believe I typed that.  This feud needs more buildup though)
Who will win:   Kofi

Extreme Rules: Big Show vs Orton
Analysis:  Another match like Sheamus and Henry where I just don't think it matters who wins.  Orton could lose and still get a title shot the following month.   I tend to zone out when either of these guys are involved in the shows, so I don't have much else to say here in regards to how it's been built up or why we should care.   

Who should win:  Orton (because I think he's the next major contender in line for Dolph)
Who will win:  Orton (to make him feel better after the Post Mania RAW crowd)

Tag Team Championship:  Team Hell No vs Reigns/Rollins (the Shield)
Analysis:  For the last 10 tag team title matches at PPVs or so, I've predicted Hell No to drop the belts.   Obviously that hasn't happened.  If I were smart you'd think I'd start just riding with them each and every time.  Nope.   Gonna go against them again and say the Shield walks away with their first gold and deservedly so.   I still see Bryan and Kane going their separate ways, and possibly even feuding once they lose (the rematch).   If the Shield does win, I see them holding them for a long time

Who should win:   Reigns/Rollins
Who will win:  Reigns/Rollins (the kiss of death)

World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender "I Quit" Match:  Del Rio vs Swagger
Analysis:  As good as I find this card, just imagine how much better it would have been with Ziggler in this in a triple threat ladder match.  (sigh)    I really thought the WWE was going to throw Big E Langston in the match and have him take the place of Ziggler, in the sense that if he lost Ziggler would lose the belt.  Then after he retained (of course), there could be some added dimension to the Ziggler/Big E relationship when Big E would be reluctant to give up the belt.  Wouldn't that be several times more exciting than what this is now?   Hard to picture Swagger winning as a Zigs vs Swags match wouldnt exactly get the kids excited.  Will be very interesting to see where Swagger goes after he loses.  Orton?  Sheamus?  Miz?  Saturday Morning Slam?

Who should win:  Big E
Who will win:  Bertie

Steel Cage Match:  Lesnar vs HHH
Analysis:  Apparently I saw a different Lesnar/HHH match at Mania than most, as I actually thought it was well done and they did their best to make the result in doubt during the match, which is the best I can ask for half the time.  This time, it's extremely difficult to see Lesnar not going over here, though with his whole limited appearances contract, I have no idea where they go from there.   HHH should go back to his destroyed office and stay there for a while, that's all I know.    The next night on RAW will be very interesting to see how either of these two are used to determine their future value in this season's fantasy league.   

Who should win:  Brock
Who will win:  Brock

WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match:  John Cena vs Ryback
Analysis:  John Cena and the writers have tried their best to make Ryback a laughable opponent, which is exactly what this feud did not need.   Only on the RAW post Mania did this matchup feel exciting.   I actually even liked Ryback's video explanation the week after, but since then it's been Ryback just standing on the ramp doing nothing, or capitalizing by attacking Cena (with a single chair shot?) after Cena has just beaten 300 other wrestlers single handedly in the ring (THIS.  IS.  WWE!!!!!!!!)   They simply couldn't have had Ryback completely destroy Cena over the course of the last month to make him seem formidable could they?   Anyway, Ryback doesn't stand much of a chance here.  But you already knew that.   I still love his points potential in the months to come.  Cena's a near lock barring injury issues to hold this title til at least Summerslam

Who should win:   Ryback (because it's Cena)
Who will win:  Cena


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