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Bat's Busts: 5 wrestlers to avoid for the Summer Slam 2015 draft

Posted by: BatRastered May 14, 2015 | 2028 views | 14 comments

Okay, to be fair, there are WAY more than 5 wrestlers you should avoid this season, but I'm limiting it to superstars who appear on last season's top 50 scoring list. (i.e. Wrestlers who you might end up with if you don't re-set your draft order!) Here they are with their last season's total points and what I'm expecting to see from them this upcoming season.

Brock Lesnar

Last Season 92 points.
This season: 50 points

No belt, no announced appearances, don't expect to see him until Summer Slam and he probably won't win the belt. I'll give him two match wins and 10 bonus points. Don't draft unless you can get him late and are willing to hold onto that zero for a few weeks.

AJ Lee

Last Season 98 points.
This season 0 points.

Retired. Obviously, don't draft her.

The Miz

Last Season 123 points.
This season 75 points

Without the Mizdow gimmick, the Miz seems to have all but disappeared. Less airtime equals less chances for points. Still a solid late round pick up if your league is bigger than the standard 30-ish wrestlers, but avoid otherwise.

Bray Wyatt

Last Season 139 points.
This Season 100 points

From feuding with the Undertaker to feuding with... Ryback. At least he's on the show, but his non mic-master promos aren't helping him and he seems to always loose at the PPV. He's been on my team a few times, he always disappoints as far as scoring goes. Always looks like a good pick up, but almost never is. I'd advise to leave him undrafted and pick up before a PPV to replace someone on your roster who's not scheduled to work that PPV. (This is good advice for any undrafted free agent).

Daniel Bryan

Last Season 600 points (!!!).
This Season 0 points.

Injured again, career uncertain. I don't expect to see him this season other than maybe an occasional mic-master or guest announcer. One of our league mates drafted Reigns last year when he was injured. This is why you have to pay attention to more than just last season's point totals. His IC title is now vacant, so try to draft someone you think might go after that if there isn't one announced during Payback. King Barrett is a good example.



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